Habits. Some we grow to have as a child, some develop within just 14 days of repeating. But which ones are good for us? Which should we give up for the sake of our mental , emotional and physical health?
This week on Life advice & Motivation we evaluate what we do on a regular basis , and what we really should be doing on a regular basis.
As children we are raised to live by a norm, of when to eat, when to sleep, what to do and what not to do. As we grow older, we loose good habits, and hold on to new and usually bad ones. When it comes to the bad ones, we usually dont realize that they are hurting us, because we do them everyday. Only a deep look at long term effects would show the harmfull effects of a habbit such as smoking.
Bad habits tend to take over our lives silently and lead us into a downward spiral of negativity, poor health and sometimes almost no way out.
But what is the key to having the right habbits and getting out and rid of the bad ones?
The first is to recognize what habbits are causing negative changes in your emotional, mental and physical state.
Once you have recognized these habits, you must realy choose if you want to change them or not.
For example, A person who has a habbit of smoking, perhaps an addiction, likes to smoke but wants to quit.
What does it take to do so?
Two words. Will Power.
And if your a smoker, try BBQ flavoured sunflower seeds! They are just as addictive and better for your health!
How strong are we on the inside that we can set aside bad habits? And how week are we on the inside that we let bad habits, even pathetic objects take over us and bring us down?
These are all questions we want followers to ask themselves this week.
But how do we really get rid of a bad habbit? By replacing it with a good one.
It takes 14 days to learn a habit, for instance, Jogging every day, will get you into the routine of jogging every day. Eating properly for two weeks straight will get you into the habit of always eating properly.
Things to try this week : Stop doing something that is bad for you!, Start doing something that is good for you! Try doing this for 2 weeks straight.